Setup Your Notion

In order for your assignments to be imported into Notion, you need to duplicate the template into your own personal Notion account. To begin, click on this link to open the template in a new page.

Once you’ve arrived at the page, click “Duplicate” in the top right corner.


If you don’t already have an account, create one using your provider of choice.


After creating an account, you should be redirected to a page that looks similar to this, with your email at the top left corner.


Install the Browser Extension

In order to properly import your personal Halo assignments into Notion, you must install the official browser extension. The browser extension is currently available for Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Brave, etc.), Firefox, and Edge. Once you've installed the extension, proceed to the next step.

Once you’ve installed the browser extension, open the extension list. The best way to do this is to click the puzzle piece at the top right of your browser.


Then scroll down until you find Import Halo Assignments:


Click on the icon to open a popup:


Select “Login with Notion”, and a new window will appear. Enter the same login information you used earlier.


After logging in, you’ll be presented with the authorization form. Review the information, then click “Select Pages”.


Select only the page called “📝 Assignments”, then click “Allow access”. If you do not see the Assignments page, please return to the top of this guide and duplicate the public template.